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Registration number: LS-002 662 of 29.12.2006
Trade name: Glycerol
International nonproprietary name: Glycerol
Dosage form: Solution for external application

Distilled glycerin - 1 kg of purified water and glycerol to give a density 1,223-1,233
Description: Clear, colorless, syrupy liquid, odorless.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Dermatoprotektornoe means
ATC code [D11AH]
Pharmacological properties:
It softens the skin.
Dry skin.
Dosage and administration:
Externally to lubricate the affected areas of the skin.
Side effect:
With long-term external application possible irritation effects.
Interaction with other drugs:
Not found

Topical solution in amber glass vials of 25 ml, 30 ml, 40 ml, 50 ml. Each vial together with instructions for use placed in a pile of cardboard. Bottles produced without secondary packaging, packed in containers with an investment group of instructions for use in an amount equal to the amount of primary packaging.

Storage conditions:
In hermetically sealed containers at temperatures not exceeding 25 ° C.
In the reach of children.

Shelf life: 5 years. Do not use the drug after the expiry date stated on the package.

Conditions of supply of pharmacies: without prescription.
The enterprise-manufacturer: JSC "Pharmaceutical factory of St. Petersburg" 191144, St. Petersburg, ul. Moiseenko and 24

There are contraindications to the use of read instructions or consult a specialist.